About Dysport
Our plastic surgeons in Colorado Springs, CO offer men and women several nonsurgical alternatives for skin rejuvenation. Dysport is an injectable treatment that acts like BOTOX to soften and reduce dynamic wrinkles and lines throughout the face. Dynamic wrinkles are created by repetitive facial expressions and movements (like frowning, smiling, and laughing) that eventually make the muscles of the face taut. This causes the skin over the muscle to have an etched line that can be seen even when the face is resting. Dysport is specifically formulated to treat the most frequent dynamic wrinkles: the vertical frown lines between the eyebrows. It temporarily relaxes the treated muscle so the skin is smooth, but with natural-looking results that don't freeze your face. Hear more about Dysport wrinkle relaxer treatments at the Institute of Plastic Surgery to make your face appear more refreshed.
Ideal Candidates
Dysport is a good choice if you want a nonsurgical treatment to correct mild, moderate, or severe vertical glabellar (frown) lines that appear between the eyebrows. Because dynamic wrinkles and lines are created by repetitive use, they may become visible in younger patients and make you appear sad, tired, or mad. Dysport is an effective, fast treatment that smooths dynamic wrinkles without leaving an unnatural appearance. Since Dysport's formula expands to reach a group of wrinkles, it's also great for Crow's feet, the small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.
Dysport Reviews
Procedure Technique
Injections of Dysport are performed in one of our treatment rooms following your consultation, lasting around 15 – 30 minutes. A local anesthetic or numbing cream is generally unnecessary because the Dysport is injected using a fine needle that creates minimal pain, but it may be applied if requested. The treatment area will be cleaned, and five well-placed injections of Dysport will be made across the eyebrows, followed by a cold compress to minimize bruising and swelling. Following your treatment, you are free to perform normal tasks, but you should avoid taxing activities for at least 24 hours.
What to Expect
Following a Dysport session, you may have light redness and swelling around the injected area, but this should dissipate on its own within 1 – 3 days. You should sleep propped up the night of your injection appointment and may want to apply cold compresses if needed. Improvements are usually noticeable in 1 –3 days as the visibility of your frown lines is reduced for a softer, smoother appearance. Your results should remain for around 3 – 4 months, and follow-up injections may be performed afterward to extend your results.

Relax and Refresh
If you want a nonsurgical way to rejuvenate your appearance by smoothing dynamic wrinkles, Dysport wrinkle relaxer is a wonderful treatment. You will be able to discuss Dysport injections and other options at your consultation to develop your custom anti-aging plan that meets your needs and goals. We encourage you to contact our practice in Colorado Springs, CO to find out more about Dysport.