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Your Options for Breast Augmentation

breast-augmentation-candidateBreast augmentation is all about making the right choices to achieve your aesthetic goals in creating larger, fuller breasts. There are plenty of options involved in this process, from the types of implants you want to their placement within the breast tissue. By understanding the various choices early on, you can head into your surgery with confidence that your final outcome will meet your expectations.

Implant Types

Your first choice will be in the type of implant you want for your procedure. This boils down to two basic options:

Saline Implants

Filled with a sterile saline solution once they are placed into the breasts, these implants can be customized to the specific goals of the patient and use a smaller incision for insertion. However, if a saline implant ruptures, it will be almost immediately noticeable on the outside of the breast.

Silicone Implants

These implants are filled with a silicone substance that holds its shape better if a rupture should occur. Many women believe silicone also looks and feels more like natural breast tissue. Because a rupture is not easily detectable, women with these implants will need to schedule regular MRIs to ensure the implants remain intact.

Implant Sizes, Shapes and Profiles

Silicone implants come prefilled, but there are a variety of sizes, shapes and profiles to accommodate the frame of every woman proportionately. Shapes include round or teardrop shapes, which both have their own pros and cons. Profiles, or how much projection the implant has from the chest wall, is another option that requires careful consideration. Choosing the right implant for you can be one of the most difficult aspects of preparing for breast augmentation surgery. Because of this, our surgeons at the Institute of Plastic Surgery will spend a considerable amount of time with you on the sizing process. We will take into consideration a number of factors during this process, including your current breast size, the proportions of your frame and your personal desires for your results.

To Texture or Not to Texture?

Implants also come in both smooth and textured varieties. Smooth implants are perceived as less likely to be seen or felt within the breast tissue. However, these implants have a greater possibility of flipping inside the breast. They may also carry a slightly higher risk of capsular contracture, a complication of breast augmentation that involves the accumulation of scar tissue around the implant. Textured implants adhere better to surrounding tissue, making it less likely these implants will flip or migrate once they are in the breast tissue. Some studies also show they have a lower risk of capsular contracture, although results on this potential complication tend to be mixed overall. It is best to work with your plastic surgeon to determine which type of implant will work the best for you.

Placement Options

The placement of your implants is also a decision you will need to make prior to your augmentation surgery. Implants can be placed on top of the chest muscle and underneath the breast tissue (subglandular placement) or under a portion of the chest muscle (submuscular placement). There are positive and negative aspects to each of these locations. As a general rule, women with less breast tissue might find more natural results with submuscular placement. On the other hand, women that do frequent strength training or body building often prefer subglandular placement to avoid disfigurement to the chest muscle during weight training. Submuscular placement tends to involve a slightly larger incision and longer recovery period, which may also affect your choice. With so many decisions to make prior to your breast augmentation, it is essential you work with a plastic surgeon you trust and feel comfortable with. To meet one of our surgeons at the Institute of Plastic Surgery, contact us today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.