About Lower Body Lift Surgery
A lower body lift is a contouring procedure that removes excess skin and fat to lift and reshape certain areas of the body affected by weight loss or pregnancy. The surgery targets the mid and the lower body, including the buttocks, stomach, flanks, lower back, and thighs. Depending upon how much skin removal is required, an incision all the way around the waist may be performed, which allows the highest amount of lift and skin excision. A lower body lift is a major surgery that can redefine a patient’s lower half of the body. Our skilled plastic surgeons have special experience with lift surgeries. In ideal patients, a lower body lift surgery at the Institute of Plastic Surgery in Colorado Springs, CO helps people to not just achieve their weight goals but also completes their overall transformation with a firmer body that appears healthy and normal.
Ideal Candidates
The best candidates for lower body lift surgery are usually people who have lost a significant amount of weight and are battling new cosmetic challenges. These new challenges consist of wrinkled, loose skin on the upper thighs and buttocks, skin that hangs on the stomach, and sagging skin across the midsection. For those who are considering this surgery, it's important to understand realistic expectations, which can be talked about with your surgeon during your initial consultation. First, scars are a part of this surgery because of the size of the incisions. Next, the surgery does have a longer recovery period versus most elective surgeries, which is why it's helpful to prepare for this in regards to work and family care. Lastly, it's important that you are at or near your healthy goal weight before contemplating lower body lift surgery.
Lower Body Lift Reviews
Surgical Technique
This surgery is performed with general anesthesia and most patients do require at least one night stay in the hospital. The surgery time may be quite lengthy, taking an average of 4 – 7 hours. The surgical incision is typically made along the area where a belt is worn, which is why it is known as a circumferential 360 or, in some cases, a beltectomy. After the incision is precisely made by our surgeon, liposuction will remove all excess fat and the loose skin concerns will be gently trimmed away. Once the extra fat and loose skin have been removed, the remaining skin will be pulled taut and secured with sutures. Compression garments may be worn over the incision and surgical work to help create a slimming result, plus to control bleeding, swelling, and bruising.
What to Expect
A lower body lift is classified as a complex operation. It takes most patients around two or more weeks to get back to basic activities, and in certain patients, as many as six months before a return to more vigorous movements including exercise. One of our surgeons or a member of our staff will provide very detailed instructions and information on caring for the wound so that scars are minimized as much as possible. While the recovery period may feel long, the results can be extraordinary, providing patients with a tighter, smoother body without the loose, hanging skin that prevented them from living their best life. Most of our patients feel it's one of the most worthwhile cosmetic surgeries available today.

Transform Your Figure
The Institute of Plastic Surgery employs many thoughtful individuals in the cosmetic industry. Our surgeons invite all weight loss patients to consult about our skin removal procedures and your choices for a lower body lift. We take pride and joy in working with our patients to achieve their final goals. If you are concerned about extra skin and hanging folds on the middle to lower portion of your body, you could be a candidate for lower body lift surgery. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons and let them discuss this amazing process with you.