About Body Contouring
The slogan "body contouring" is a phrase used in the aesthetic world to represent a number of surgeries that can help to sculpt a shapelier silhouette. Women and men who have lost weight, or whose weight has changed frequently over time, may desire to have body contouring at Institute of Plastic Surgery to remove fat, tighten the skin, and sculpt certain areas of the body. In addition, body contouring can be used for those who are aging and find that diet and exercise alone no longer provide the shape they desire. Our Colorado Springs, CO plastic surgeons offer numerous body contouring choices, from liposuction, breast lift surgery, and abdominoplasty to fat grafting and laser treatments that tighten the skin. The possibilities to redefine and rejuvenate your physique are endless.
Ideal Candidates
You may be a great candidate for body contouring if you have loose skin, droopy body parts, like the buttocks or breasts, or fat in areas that are hard to lose. The hips, flanks, neck, abdomen, and lower back are examples of areas where fat deposits can collect, causing unsightly bulges. The best candidates for this procedure are individuals who are at a healthy, ideal weight and wish for a firmer, more defined shape.

Surgical Technique
After your initial visit, we will create an aesthetic treatment plan for you. This could include both nonsurgical and surgical treatments. Surgeries, such as liposuction, abdominoplasty, and breast lift or augmentation typically require the use of general anesthesia. Our goal during surgery is to create an incision that can be hidden behind clothing, as well as to minimize unwanted fat and excess skin, leaving a slimmer, tighter contour. Nonsurgical treatments are typically completed at our practice without any need for sedation. This may include laser skin tightening, laser liposuction, injectable fillers, etc.
What to Expect
If you are having a surgical procedure, you can expect to be sent home to heal and recover afterward. Nonsurgical treatments typically do not have any downtime. It's not uncommon for some patients to undergo many procedures at once on multiple body parts, which may require staying for observation. Body contouring is meant to sculpt your body, so whether you have chosen nonsurgical or surgical treatments, or some of each, you can expect a slimmer, tighter body and a more defined profile.
Redefine Your Shape
Whether you want perkier breasts, a fuller bottom, a slimmer waist, or a tighter tummy, body contouring at the Institute of Plastic Surgery can give you the body you desire. We encourage you to contact our office to arrange a consultation to allow us to determine your aesthetic goals and create a tailored plan for you. Our team looks forward to helping you.